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(310) 988-9942
License No. PSY25131

Welcome to the New Patient Forms Portal!

All new patients should download and complete all of the forms in this section at home before our first meeting. Completing them at home will allow you enough time write down any questions you may have for me and think about your answers in the documents that ask you questions about yourself.

Please allow at least 1 hour to complete the entire packet. Try to find a time when things are quiet and distractions are kept to a minimum. You can complete the packet all at once or you can break it up and do a little at a time.

During the COVID shutdown, you can email these forms to me. Only send the forms that require you to write something on them. The others are policy documents that are there for your reference. Some people like to download, print and write on the forms directly and scan them. Others like to complete them on the computer using a program like Adobe Acrobat.  Feel free to set a password on the documents that you email to me. Remember to email or text me your password in a separate message so I can open your documents.

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